Donate Money
To realize our goals and to maintain our projects we need your support! We work on voluntary basis and all your donations directly benefit patients and hospitals. We are a non-for-profit tax-exempt organization, and all your donations can be freed from income/profit taxes. At the end of each calendar year we will send you documentation for tax proposes.
You may choose to send a donation for a particular propose, be it supporting a patient for acquiring a medical equipment by specifying the propose of donation. Or, you can become a sponsoring member of Kamurdsch-Brücke e.V. by transferring us fixed monthly donations.
If you are a corporation, we are open to discuss frameworks that will meet your marketing and philanthropy needs.
Our bank account for donations:
Kamurdsch-Brücke e.V.
IBAN: DE81 8306 5408 0005 4458 17
Donate Goods
We are accepting medical supplies and medications as donation from pharmaceutical companies, as well as new and used medical equipment from medical institutions and equipment producers. We are a tax-exempt non-profit association and we will provide you with all documentation for tax proposes.
If you are a pharmaceutical or equipment producer, please contact Lilit Kocharyan at +49 157 55463269 or use our contact form.
We are a recognized German charitable organization according to §§51, 59, 60 and 61 AO, and all donations to Kamurdsch-Brücke e.V. are tax-free. At the end of each caldenar year, we will provide you with all required documentation to be included with your tax return.
Contact person for medical equipment:
Lilit Kocharyan
Tel: +49 157 55463269
Contact person for medical institutions and individuals:
Lilit Kocharyan
Tel: +49 157 55463269
Contact with us
Send Message
Contact info
Kamurdsch-Brücke e.V.
c/o Armenische Gemeinde zu Berlin e. V.
Sophie-Charlotten-Str. 113
14059 Berlin
+49 15755463269