There are about 10000 patients in Armenia wounded in the recent war that urgently need long-term rehabilitation treatments. To enable Armenian reha clinics to increase their capacities and provide high-quality treatments, Kamurdsch-Brücke e.V. launches a flagship project for 2021 to provide aid to the reha clinics.
Equipment for rehabilitation clinics in Armenia
Based on the feedback from the reha clinics in Armenia, we have decided to focus the aid on providing reha equipment. Most of the requested equipment will be acquired in Germany and shipped to Armenia. Please, support this project with your donations!
Alternative ways to donate
Bank transfer in Europe: Kamurdsch-Brücke e.V.
IBAN: DE81830654080005445817
Purpose: Reha equipment; Adresse+Email für Spendenbescheinigung
via PayPal @
In Armenia: Օգնության Կամուրջ Հիմնադրամ
Ardshinbank 2471707439720000 AMD
The up-to-date lists of equipments we are looking for can be found here.
Weekend program in a ReHa clinic
The Armenian Cox’s Rehabilitation Center is making every effort for the treatment of patients with varying degrees of war injuries and movement imparities, as well as children with developmental disorders.
At the moment, the staff works 5 days a week in the ReHa center. We are starting the project fundraiser to enable the center to expand its activities on weekends and holidays and to make quantitative improvements to the current treatments.
By participating in this fundraiser, you will support the Center to hire specialists and offer treatments on non-working days. In addition, you will make it possible for the center to organize entertainment programs for the patients that are crucial for their reintegration back into the society. These events and activities will be organized inside and outside of the center to allow the stationery patients have social contacts and make their rehabilitation complete. The additional program’s budget, that is not covered by the Ministry of Health, is only 1000€ a month with a huge impact. Let’s make this impact!
Alternative ways to donate:
Bank transfer in Europe:
Kamurdsch-Brücke e.V.
IBAN: DE65 1001 0010 0855 7391 05
Purpose: Reha Program; Adresse für Spendenbescheinigung
via PayPal @
In Armenia:
Օգնության Կամուրջ Հիմնադրամ Ardshinbank 2471707439720000 AMD
Some photos done during the weekend programs: